Climate Neutrality

Greenhouse gas report 2023

THG Emissionen Uni BE nach Scopes

Total emissions in 2023 amounted to 7,665 tons of CO2-e. With 5,141 employees expressed in full-time equivalents (FTE) and 19,640 students, this corresponds to average emissions of 0.31 t CO2-e per capita or 1.49 t CO2-e/FTE.

Direct emissions (Scope 1) account for around 14 per cent of total emissions. 20 per cent of total emissions are related to district heating, electricity and district cooling (Scope 2), while the remaining 66 per cent can be attributed to other indirect emissions.

The carbon footprint for 2023 is virtually no longer influenced by the restrictions of the coronavirus pandemic and is only partially influenced by the measures taken to contain the threat of energy shortages in the autumn and winter of 2022, which lasted until around April 2023.

Please find below the detailed greenhouse gas report for 2023.