Climate Neutrality

Greenhouse gas report 2022

Hand dreht an einem Heizungsthermostatkopf

The University of Bern produced a total of around 6,291 tons of CO2eq emissions in 2022. With 5,076 employees expressed in terms of full-time equivalents (FTE), this corresponds to average emissions of 1.24 t CO2eq / FTE per year.

While the 2022 carbon footprint was no longer as strongly impacted by pandemic-related restrictions, it was influenced by measures taken to curb the impending energy shortage in the fall and winter of 2022. Consumption data, and therefore the resultant emissions, declined in the areas of heat supply for the buildings. With respect to natural gas, the impact of the energy-saving measures was overshadowed by the increase in consumption caused by the newly occupied laboratory building.

Due to the increase in work-related air travel in 2022, the percentage of emissions allocated to Scope 3 is again the largest overall, the figure for 2022 was 3,011 t CO2eq, which corresponds to approx. 65% of the base year emissions from air travel.

Please find below the detailed greenhouse gas report for 2022.