Climate Neutrality

Greenhouse gas report 2021

Bibliothek Unitobler während des Corona-Lockdowns
Covid-19 lockdown - Library Unitobler

The University of Bern produced a total of around 4,094 tons of CO2eq emissions in 2021. With around 5,050 employees expressed in terms of full-time equivalents (FTE), this corresponds to average emissions of roughly 0.81 t CO2eq / FTE per year. This represents yet another substantial reduction over the base year, attributable once again to COVID-related restrictions.

Emissions from air travel declined again by more than half in 2021 (from 1,563 t CO2eq in 2020 to 616 t CO2eq in 2021).

Direct emissions (Scope 1) rose compared to the previous years. This is mainly attributable to the fact that consumption data now include a newly occupied lab building with a gas-fired autoclave, which resulted in a corresponding increase in the figures for natural gas.

Please find below the detailed greenhouse gas report for 2021.